Sunday, March 4, 2007

More weird things

No, you are not crazy. I am. So if you happened to notice another post in place of this one today, you were not seeing things. It really was there. But I felt quite vulnerable about it for some reason (like, perhaps, the fact that I am indeed insane) and decided to take it down.

In its place, I am going to respond to a tag that I have received from several kind bloggie friends. It's the 6 weird things meme, and while I have already done it once, it certainly was NOT an exhaustive list. So here goes 6 more weird things about me...
  1. I am from Southern California and have a keen appreciation for authentic Mexican food. However, when I make it home, I don't even try to approach authentic. In fact, I am a closet ketchup user. I love ketchup on my homemade tacos complete with ground beef in store bought seasoning.
  2. I am extremely attached to things that loved ones give me, even if I hate the thing that is given. I feel that I am betraying the person if I don't like it so in one way or another I will find a way to feel good about the gift.
  3. I am a nodder. I nod at speakers during their lectures or talks. Some part of me feels that they need my encouragement. A bit self centered, don't you think?
  4. I am great at jumping in and defending others, but I really struggle to defend myself.
  5. I am a recovering cutter. Enough said about that.
  6. I forget to raise my hand in class to answer a question and frequently blurt out the answer. Then I berate myself later for being so aggressive.
I think that some of those things aren't weird, just ugly things about me. But sometimes they go hand in hand.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

OH, we have some things in common! I blurt things out in class too! LOL!

And I lived in California including southern Claifornia and used to make homemade Mexican food (because it was cheap, for one thing--I was really poor when I was there).

And I'm attached to things people give me too, right now I am wearing a T-short my daughter gave me that says, "Well-behaved Women rarely make history." LOL!

Aurelia said...

Okaaaay, I'm glad you explained that because I was a little confused!

And no those things are not that weird, but some are funny. I to blurt out things sometimes, and can't believe I do it.

(And I'm glad you are recovering from the cutting...I never want anything to happen to you!)

Unknown said...

Everyone likes ketchup!

I'm glad you're recovering.

Have a wonderful day!

marja said...

Hi Nicole, Thanks for dropping by my blog today. I now look forward to reading yours as well.

What you say about nodding at speakers during lectures and talks: I don't think that's self-centered at all at all. I think it's considerate. Speakers need to see that people are focused on what they're saying and I think they would appreciate it.

...actually, I do something similar. I rest my chin on my hand - you know, like I'm thinking hard about what they're saying. I always do that in church during sermons. I didn't particularly like the way the person who was speaking today. He's not an experienced sermon giver, but he did need a lot of encouragement. And you know, I end up hearing the message better.

Unknown said...

Nodding isn't self-centered at all - it shows you're engaged and processing what the speaker is saying.

And I'm very glad that you're recovering and you have the support you need now.

p.s. I hope you feel comfortable enough to put that other post up again. It was very good and I had some thoughts about it (coming from a working class background myself).

BerryBird said...

Ketchup in Mexican food does seem a little odd to me, but I have no claim to knowledge of authenticity. My favorite local Mexican restaurant isn't what you'd call authentic either, it's more of a funky fusion kind of place. Tastes good = good, right?

Anonymous said...

Ha! I have almost every 1 of those in common with you. But I don't like ketchup on my tacos, but I do on my tortilla chips. I knew some people that liked it on their refried beans. *blech* (I can't stand the smell of it though)

I don't think your nodding is being selfish at all; it's actually being considerate. Speakers need to know they're being heard & your nods tell them they are. THEY LOVE YOU!

Omgosh, blurt, blurt...we're blurt twins.

Molecular Turtle said...

I really love the pictures on your site. Funny I made a similar post myself today without seeing yours. Good stuff :)

Aurelia said...

I'mj just coming back to say that I agree with Adrienne's P.S. BTW

marlena rivers said...

hi, thanks for your support and encouragement. i too share some of those things. i get attached to gifts from loved ones. mostly i like the gifts that i get attached to. i've been wearing a special pendant i just got from a friend almost daily and attaching much importance of luck and protection to it. i'm a blurter and an interrupter in general and often stick more than my foot, probably both feet and legs, in my mouth... i'm curious what your first list of six was...

Bleeding Heart said...

I nodd too when I am listening to others...mainly in a public speaking setting.

You sound very normal to me...we all do things that WE think are out of the ordinary...It the end WE are more alike and more equal then we know.

Twisted Ovaries said...

I am with you, actually-I LOVE authentic Mexican food (I'm originally from Dallas).

Tonight at our house for dinner, we'll be making tacos.

With mix from a box.

And salsa from the jar.

I've got your half-ass over here, babe.

SWH said...

I love ketchup on grilled cheese. My husband is grossed out by it... but he puts hot sauce on everything, so what does he know??

Sorry you felt like you had to take a post down... I know it's a little weird to let the wide internet know everyting about you...

Dino said...

i have a few things I like with ketchup like Macaronie and hot dogs ...

I tend to keep things given by loved ones too even if I had them

and I always blurt out things I tend to speak before I think

Jackie said...

Hey, I read the deleted post and many of the things you said really resonated with me. Humble beginnings and all, etc. We can discuss it over a virtual coffee sometime.
I am a nodder who makes fun of other nodders-what does that say?

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